Support and Guidance
A key strength of our 6th Form is the variety of ways in which we support and guide our students.
This page will give you a pen portrait of the different forms of support that we provide.
If you're not sure who is the best person to contact, then speak to a member of our 6th Form Team.
Contact the 6th Form Team
You are very welcome to contact us directly.
To find a member of staff's email address you add our domain name i.e.
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Deputy Head 6th Form & Designated Safeguarding Officer Mr Julian McKay jmckay@ ext. 1043 |
Head of Year 12 Mr Anthony Fullam afullam@ ext. 1111 |
Head of Year 13 Mr Quintin Harper qharper@ ext.1065 |
![]() Enrichment Co-ordinator Mr Tom Pritchard tpritchard@ ext. 1127 |
![]() Renaissance Co-ordinator Mr Stephen Bishop sbishop@ ext. 1126 |
Lead Social, Emotional and Mental Health Professional Mr Timothy Hodson thodson@ ext.1124 |
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Pastoral Support Ms Deborah Brickell dbrickell@ ext. 1024 |
Careers Adviser Mrs Siobhan Whiddett swhiddett1@ ext. 1074 |
Alternatively, we can be reached through the following details:
Telephone +44(0)1603 611431 (for general enquiries and to report a student absence)
Head Students & School Council
Our Head Students are part of the school council, which is made up of representatives from each year group. The Head Students are elected each year by the whole Notre Dame student body.
If you have an issue that you would like the School Council to consider, contact our Head Student Team.
The School Council is a great opportunity for students to get involved in the running of the school. To get involved, visit our School Council page.
Informing an Absence
If your young person is absent, please email every day of their absence.
Include the name and form of your young person as well as a brief explanation for their absence.
If, for any reason, you have been unable to email the school about an absence, we will require a letter providing written evidence of why your child was absent.
Unavoidable Late Arrival (after 9:05am)
Students must make every effort to avoid lateness. Students arriving after 9:05am MUST go straight to the 6th Form Library to sign in.
If, for any reason, you have been unable to contact the school to report an absence, a text will be sent to you, from 9.30am, informing you that your young person is not in school and requesting an explanation of this.
Unavoidable Late Arrival
Students must make every effort to avoid lateness, but we understand there are times when this happens. In this instance, late students MUST sign in at the 6th Form Library.
Bursary Advice
NDHS 16-19 students can apply for a bursary for financial support at any time, for example, if the household circumstances change during the year. For further details visit our Busary Advice page.
Careers and Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Whether your future is to study at university, embark on an apprenticeship, or to take a gap year, you are certain to be offered the information, advice and guidance you need in order to make informed choices.
Any student, and/or parents/carers now has the opportunity to arrange a meeting with a Level 6 Qualified Careers Advisor, to discuss future options and progression routes during and after their time at Notre Dame. To book an appointment with our Careers Advisor or if you have a question about CEIAG provision, visit our CEIAG page.
Culture and Faith Studies
All our students attend a weekly discussion lesson on current issues, culture and mental wellbeing. These activities help to put all your other subjects into context. The discussions also enable you to share ideas and opinions with a diverse group of 6th Form students studying a mix of subjects. For more information visit our page on Culture and Faith.
Pathways B
Lead by Mrs Whiddett, there is an hour on the timetable (currently Thursday Period 3, Week B) where we invite speakers from education, industry and employers in to school to talk about their work to help students get a better understanding of the jobs market. Details of the program can be found on the "Enrichment Activities" section of the website.
Exams Info and Advice
Our Exams Team provide all the info and advice you need online. If you are worried or concerned about anything or just want to double-check something, please do not hesitate to visit them. To find out how to contact them, visit our Exams page.
Extended Project
Our popular Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) allows students to extend their abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university and future career. It is worth half an A level (70 UCAS points) so can be used to earn extra UCAS points. The EPQ is becoming increasingly popular throughout the country, over 30,000 students take the EPQ in the UK every year. Details of the program can be found on our page for Extended Project (EPQ).
Renaissance (Oxbridge, Medicine, Law and Russell Group)
Working together with our colleagues in "Higher Opportunities" we run a series of events and support for pupils thinking of applying for Oxbridge or Russell Group universities. Led by our expert, Mr Bishop, details can be found by clicking on our page for Renaissance.
Pathways A and Tutor Time
Pathways A and Tutor Time sessions give you the opportunity to extend your experiences beyond the classroom by exploring a range of relevant PSHE topics and helping you to develop your organisational, study and employability skills. It will also allow you to participate in a choice of activities, or take on responsibilities that encourage you to give back to the wider school community.
Progress Management
Sixth Form students are given academic support by their teachers, Heads of Department and Form Tutor team. For those students who are not yet achieving their full potential the team will offer organisational, motivational and practical support to help promote progress.
6th Form Policies and Forms
We have a number of 6th Form Policies and forms which you may find useful. To access them, visit our Policies and Documents page.
Social and Emotional Support
Help when you need it
We know that life in the Sixth Form isn't always easy. We have a number of staff here to help you when you need it. They include our Lay Chaplain Mr Savage, 6th Form Pastoral Support Worker, Ms Brickell, and our Lead Social Emotional Mental Health Professional, Mr Hodson. Referrals are usually through either your Form Tutor or Assistant Director of Sixth Form.
Social Emotional Mental Health Support
As a school, we are committed to supporting our young people’s wellbeing. Therefore, we have regular Social, Emotional and Mental Health support available to 6th Form students.
Referrals can be made via Heads of Year following consultation with parents/carers.
If you would like any more information regarding this in-school support, please contact the Sixth Form Team.
Parents and carers can now make a request for NHS mental health support for their young person at They encourage requests by the young person's parent or carer, or a young person themselves as they know this provides the best opportunity to understand the need and the impact on daily life. A young person who would like to make their own request for mental health support can do this at Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can now call 111.
For general advice on supporting mental wellbeing, click on the images below. You can also download The Parents' Guide to Teenage Anxiety and Stress at the bottom of this page.
Safeguarding Issue
Feeling like something's not right?
Are you feeling worried about
- Something that has happened to you or someone else
- Not knowing who to turn to
- Coping with your mental health
Whatever's happening, you don't have to cope alone. If you have any concern or worry, you can speak to any member of staff as we are a 'listening school'. They will then pass on your concerns to the Safeguarding Team. Or you can speak directly to your 6th Form Pastoral Support Worker, as they are members of our Safeguarding Team.
For more information visit our safeguarding page.
Young Carers
At Young Carers Matter, we are committed to supporting young carers and their families across the region. We know that some young people take on exceptional responsibilities to help care for a family member or friend who needs support due to a health condition, disability, or other care needs. These young people are known as young carers.
A young carer is a child or young person under 18 who provides, or intends to provide, support to someone who:
- Has a long-term health condition
- Has a disability or additional needs
- Has a mental health condition
- Has a drug or alcohol dependency
- Requires additional help as they grow older
Young carers might live with the person they support, or they may be helping a loved one who lives elsewhere.
We want to make sure that young carers receive the recognition and support they need to thrive. We encourage families to let the school know if their child is a young carer so that school staff can work with us and provide appropriate understanding, support, and resources. You can inform the school by contacting Mrs Pointer or Ms Gratton for years7-11, and for years 12-13 Ms Brickell
At Young Carers Matter Norfolk, we offer tailored, one-to-one support for young carers and their families. Our team can talk with young carers about any worries they may have, offer practical advice to help manage and reduce their caring role, and provide information on resources and support networks in the area.
To access our services, you can ask Mrs Pointer, Mrs Gratton or Ms Brickell to refer you, or you can contact us directly. To self-refer, please visit our website at or call our Advice Line on 0800 083 1148 to speak to one of our team members about how we can help.
Thank you for working with us to support young carers and ensure they receive the help they deserve. Warm regards,
Young Carers Matter Norfolk
Outside Agency Support and Advice
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. The NHS has online advice for parents supporting young people struggling with their mental health.
Get free, confidential support from a Childline counsellor about anything you want to. You can talk to Childline from 7:30am-3:30am every day, either online, by calling 0800 1111 or by sending a message from their website.
Kooth is a digital mental health support service for young people aged 11 to 25 where they can access online support from a team of experienced counsellors. Access is free and there are a range of tools, such as activities and moderated chat forums that can be used to enhance young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
Aged 16-25 and need help with relationships? Whether you're looking for support with your own relationship, or a family relationship - Relate can help you. Relate has a special section on their website with advice for young adults.
Support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
If you’re feeling unsafe, you can always talk to the police.
- In an emergency, you can call 999 to get help straight away.
- To report an incident or crime you can contact the police online
- You can also report online sexual abuse or exploitation to CEOP
- To report online material promoting terrorism or extremism contact report terrorism
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. If you need someone to talk to, we listen. We won't judge or tell you what to do. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123, or write us an email.
School Nursing Team
The NHS School Nursing Service provide a confidential, non-judgemental service to young people who are seeking advice regarding their physical health or emotional wellbeing. They provide support and advice around healthy eating, exercise, sleep, emotional wellbeing, healthy relationships, stress and many other issues that impact upon health and wellbeing.
- Young People should contact direct using our text messaging service; CHAT Health 07480635060
- Professionals, parents and young people can contact via 'Just One Number', 0300 300 0123 and speak to a Clinician for advice and support.
Visit your doctor or nurse
You can make an appointment with your doctor any time. You can usually see them by yourself. Even if you can’t see your doctor in person, you can usually talk over phone. Find out more about visiting your doctor.
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, sexual health and quitting addictions
Leeway is a local charity supporting young people who are experiencing/have experienced relationship abuse within their home, or having issues in their own relationships. Call Leeway for free confidential advice on 0300 561 0077.
Victim Support
Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents including domestic violence and abuse in England and Wales.
Did something sexual happen to you without your consent? Or you're not sure?
No matter when, where or how it happened, you can come to us.