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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

Year 11

‘All shall be well’ Julian of Norwich


To view our daily bulletin via this website, click on Latest News.

To access our daily bulletin via the Notre Dame App click here.

Online Learning Links

RM Unify Outlook
Google Classroom Student

 HelpYouChoose Accounts

Y11 Post-16 Applications using HelpYouChoose

Some Post-16 Providers will require you to apply through the HelpYouChoose website.  To set up an account follow these steps:

  • Click on the login page
  • Type in your username (it is the same as your Notre Dame login username)
  • Click on 'forgotten your password?'
  • You'll receive a password reset email.  Follow the instructions to create your own password
  • Go back to the login page and put in your username and new password

Post 16 Open Events 


  • Make sure you book a place to attend an open day if required.
  • Go to multiple open days, even if you think you have made up your mind.
  • Take a notebook and talk to as many people as possible.
  • Explore a new subject you may not have considered.


  • Most apprenticeships do not have open days.
  • Look at company website and do some virtual research instead.
  • Book a careers appointment with Siobhan Whiddett – Careers Advisor who can signpost you to useful websites and support you to apply for opportunities.
  • Always have a backup plan. Important to apply for a full-time course.

Need some help or support?

  • Book a careers appointment with Siobhan Whiddett – Careers Advisor. Bookings can be made via the website or emailing
  • Contact the sixth form or college you are thinking about applying to. They are happy to answer questions.


Open Day/Evening Information

Access Creative College

  • Saturday 12th October 11am – 2pm
  • Saturday 16th November – 11am – 3 pm – Taster Day

Book a place to attend via link:

City College Norwich

  • Friday 4th October – 5pm – 7.30pm
  • Saturday 5th October – 10am - 1pm

City College Norwich – A-level only

  • Tuesday 12th November – 4pm - 7pm

City of Norwich School

  • Thursday 7th November – 5.30pm – 8pm.

Headteacher address at 6pm, 6.30pm & 7pm

Dereham Sixth Form

  • Wednesday 23rd October – 5pm - 8pm

East Coast College – Gt Yarmouth & Lowestoft College

  • Lowestoft Campus: - Saturday 5th October 10am – 12pm
  • Gt Yarmouth Campus: Saturday 12th October – 10am – 12pm
  • Lowestoft Campus – Wednesday 13th November – 5pm – 7pm
  • Gt Yarmouth Campus – Thursday 14th November 0 5pm - 7pm

You must book a place to attend via the following link:

East Norfolk Sixth Form

  • Saturday 21st September 9am – 12pm.
  • Thursday 10th October 4pm – 7pm.

Need to book a place via the following link:

Easton College

  • Friday 11th October – 5pm - 7.30pm.
  • Saturday 12th October 10am – 1pm

Hellesdon Sixth Form

  • Wednesday 6th November – 7pm – 9pm.

Jane Austen College

  • Tuesday 15th October – 5pm – 7.30pm

Lowestoft Sixth Form College

  • Saturday 5th October – 10am – 12pm
  • Wednesday 13th November – 5pm - 7pm

To book a place to attend click on the following link:

Norwich School

  • Thursday 10th October – 5pm – 7pm

Need to book to attend via the following link:

Notre Dame High School

  • Thursday 14th November – 5.30pm – 8.30pm


Ormiston Victory Academy

  • Thursday 10th October - 5pm

Paston College

  • Thursday 26th September – 4.30pm – 7pm
  • Saturday 9th November – 10am – 1pm

Reepham Sixth Form College

  • Thursday 3rd October – 6pm

Need to book to attend via the following link:

Sir Isaac Newton Norwich

  • Wednesday 9th October – 5.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Tuesday 15th October – 5.30pm – 8.30pm

Sprowston Sixth Form

  • Thursday 17th October – 5pm - 7pm

Taverham Sixth Form

  • Thursday 26th September – 6.30pm

Thorpe St Andrew Sixth Form

  • Thursday 24thth October – 6.30pm

UTCN – University Technical College Norfolk

  • Thursday 10th October

Need to book to attend via the following link:

Wymondham College


  • Saturday 5th October – Morning

Need to book a place via the following link:

Wymondham High School

  • Thursday 7th October – 5.30pm - 7.30pm


GCSE Revision Advice 

Students will been given a revision planner booklet to help them to schedule their revision.  They will be shown how to use it in their PSHEE lesson.

Kerboodle Instructions 

You can't use your Google account to login.

User names are usually your first initial, followed by your surname, all lower case with no hyphens. 

Your password is the same as your user name the first time you log in. You will then be prompted to change your password. The Institution code is esm2. 

Your Maths teachers have got your usernames and passwords. Any issues email Mrs Chadwick

Quick tips on how to revise 

It makes sense to do a small chunk of revision for each subject per week.  If you've got 10 subjects, identify 10 revision slots in your week. For example you could study 2 subjects per week evening.

You can use a tracker to track how well you are revising each subject.  There are copies of the one below on Student Reception.  Or, click on it to download a ppt version that you can adapt and print out.

Revision Planner
To plan your revision for each week, you have been given a revision planner booklet.  If you would like an electronic version to adapt as you wish CLICK HERE.

Video advice on specific revision techniques 

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Exam Timetable, Rules & Guidance 

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The Exams section of our website contains the following pages:

Subject Specific Revision Resources

The links below will take you to the website of the exam board page for each of your subjects. On these pages you will find lots of useful documents, such as the specification that tells teachers the content, they need to teach you, past papers and mark schemes along with examiners reports on each past exam which tell you the mistakes previous students have made that lost them marks, so that you can avoid making the same mistakes.

You do need to be careful that you are always looking at the correct documents, for example in some subjects including subjects like History, Geography and RE teachers are able to select some of the topics they teach you. Therefore, it is important that you check with your teacher the exact units you are studying.


Exam Board Links


Combined and Triple students will find revision resources on the Biology Y11 Google Classroom

Code: v4npkhf


KS4 Chemistry Google Classroom code is:ojm5ene

It contains the following items carefully organised by topic of study:

  • Lesson PowerPoints
  • Textbook extracts
  • Practice/summary questions and the mark scheme
  • Summary videos
  • Checklists
  • Knowledge organiser
  • Link to the past paper store (Google Drive folder)
  • 'My GCSE at a Glance' sheet explaining the overall layout of the assessment

Exam Board Links

Other links

  • Cognito: Over 400 Science and Maths videos lessons.

Fashion and Textile Design 

Exam Board Subject Page

GCSE Design and Technology Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017 (

GCSE Fashion and Textile Design


GCSE Specification Template (

Exam Board Subject Page

Google Classroom code GCSE Past Papers and Revision Classroom Code

  1. For speaking revision please ensure you use the roleplay and photocard booklets given in class.

  2. For reading and listening revision, the past papers Google Classroom will help you to revise and develop your skills - ensure you write down new vocabulary.

  3. For writing revision, please refer to your writing booklets for advice and examples.

  4. All of this should be underpinned by additional resources on Memrise or Quizlet for vocabulary and on Seneca for grammar and further exam practice.

Food Preparations and Nutrition 

Exam Board Subject Page

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016 (

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition



14th May – Paper 1 Living with the Physical Environment

6th June Paper 2: Challenges of human environment

12th June: Paper 3: Fieldwork and Pre-release

Revision Advice:

1.      1. Put your revision timetable somewhere you will not lose it and refer to it regularly. Tick things off as you do them.

2.      2. Do the activities – you only remember 10% of what you see. No passive activities. Doing will help you learn.

3.      3. Identify the areas of the syllabus you are least confident in, (you can use your revision guide to help?) Prioritise and spend more time on these areas. Access Google Classroom, the videos below to help you OR BBC Bitesize/ Internet Geography to help you.

4.     4.  Use Seneca regularly. Download onto your phone. Instead of scrolling – do 10 mins a day on a different topic. This will help you recall basic info.

5.     5.  Make some revision cards / case study summaries. 5  key questions on one side, 5-8 key facts on the back. Test yourself regularly.

6.      6. Do the practise questions in your revision guide and in your case study booklet.

7.      7. Complete practise questions. There are lots (and mark schemes) available here:

 Excellent revision Sources Videos:

Revision blasts Geography

Geography Hawkes

Mr B

Brilliant mind-map outlines to give you overviews of all your topics.

In the Google Classroom we have also recapped the topics and dates of each of the exam papers, 4 past papers and suggested links to some good revision sites including videos and Seneca:

Paper 1: Natural Hazards, Living World, Coasts and Rivers   (May 22nd)
Paper 2: Urban Issues, Changing Economic World, Resources    (June 9th)
Paper 3: Pre-release - we will complete our work on this paper after the Easter holidays. (June 16th)

If you find geography videos helpful to revise try these two channels on Youtube.

Select the topics you feel least confident with and use your revision guide also.
Geography Hawkes
Mr B

Seneca is another good source of revision and find attached copies of 2 of each of papers 1 and 2 full of practise questions. (Go back down the feed for the 2018 papers.)

All students either purchased or were provided with a copy of the CGP Revision guide.

The GC codes are as follows:

Ms Rekic: 11GGB     Code: 4v7gtxi

Mr Lister: 11A-GG2   Code: awowvke

Mrs Fullam: 11A-GG1 Mrs Fullam 2022/23 Code: ioplb3w

Mrs Fullam: 11B Geography Mrs Fullam    Code: 7gbzomc

Graphic Design 

Exam Board Subject Page

GCSE Design and Technology Specification (1DT0) (

GCSE Graphic Design


Our Y10/11 revision resources are shared via Google Classroom

The code is: g2r24km

Specification Page


Our resources are shared via our Google Classroom

The code is: efamdhz


Our resources are shared via Google Classroom

The code is: cpctqr6

Exam Board links

Other links


Combined Science Physics:

Useful online video:

Exam board resources:

Triple Science Physics

Revision websites

Useful online video:

Exam board resources:

Product Design 

Exam Board Subject Page

GCSE Design and Technology Specification (1DT0) (

GCSE Product Design

Religious Studies 

Our revision support is accessible via each class' Google Classroom .

Exam Board Subject Page

Edexcel RE GCSE Specifiaction A         Papers 1A, 2F and 3A

  • 11X-RE1 - MSH  ubj3lay
  • 11XRE2 - JSE  xibrfbh
  • 11X RE3 - CNE   shq7vgq
  • 11X-RE4 -  JSL  km5y24t
  • 11Y- RE1 -   MSH  zyujse7
  • 11Y-RE2 - KST   36z4bzf
  • 11Y-RE3 - JSL   tn76rhl
  • 11Y RE4 - CNE    tf4kcu


Click on the links below for past papers:

The Spanish revision resources are on Memrise.  To access resources by theme visit our KS4 Spanish page.

Post-16 Careers Advice

General Advice

Free Notre Dame App 

Download the Free App

Click on one of the buttons below. 

I am concerned about something.  Who can I talk to in school? 

We are a caring community that supports each other.  We have a wide range of staff who can help advise you.  If you are not sure who to ask, or how to contact a specific person, visit our Pastoral Office.

For full info on all the ways that we can support you, visit our Student Welfare page.

Who can I ask for advice outside of school? 


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Online Safety Advice and Support 

If you would like to speak to someone in school about an online safety issue, contact our Safeguarding Team.

Reporting an Issue

We advise that you speak with a trusted adult before reporting an incident

  • CEOP: If you are worried about online sexual abuse, or the way someone has been communicating with you online.
  • Report Remove: ChildLine's online tool to empower young people to stop the spread of nude images online

Credits and Rewards