Latest News
- 16/03/25
Week 25: Listen!
THIS WEEK'S ASSEMBLIES Tuesday: JERUSALEM Wednesday: SANTIAGO Thursday: ROME Friday: WALSINGHAM FIXTURES: Monday Year 8 Football leave at 3:15pm Tuesday Year 8 football leave at 3:15pmRead Full Story - 11/03/25
- 10/03/25
Week 24: 1st Week of Lent
CALLING ALL UKRANIAN STUDENTS We need your voice! For the Culture Carnival this week, a group of students plan to perform a Ukranian & Polish song for the Culture Carnival next week. We currently have a number of Polish students from main school and Sixth Form, but we need more...Read Full Story - 01/03/25
Week 23: Our Lentern Journey Begins
Y8 Rivers of Hope Trip Monday Please can the students who are attending the trip meet go straight to the Chapel at 09:05. Fixtures Please can year 10 boys leave lessons at 3.15pm on Monday to get changed ready for a football fixture. Ash Wednesday Service takes place in P.1...Read Full Story - 23/02/25
Week 22: 'Give and it will be given to you'
Assemblies Usual rota. Led by Heads of Year. Y9 Preferences Deadline for completing the online form Friday 28th Feb.Read Full Story - 08/02/25
Week 21: Do not be afraid
Clubs Refectory Menus and Info Wet break/lunch rooms Form Room 7DMC...Read Full Story - 01/02/25
Week 20: Look for the Good
This week we celebrate the birthday of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Their Foundress, St Julie took her vows to become a nun on 2nd Feb. 1804. We consider how we can commit to following what is good in our own lives.Read Full Story - 27/01/25
- 18/01/25
Week 18: Brimful of Joy
This Week's Assemblies: Tues: Jerusalem Wed: Santiago Thurs: Rome Fri: WalsinghamRead Full Story - 11/01/25
Week 17: Fresh Start
Assemblies: Mon: Y7 Tues: Y8 & Y12 Wed: Y9 (Intro to Preferences) Y13 CANCELLED Thurs: Y10 Fri: Y11 (Mock Envelope extended assembly) Y9 Chapel Prayer Services: Mon 13th 9JKI & 9JSE Tues 14th 9JAD & 9MRORead Full Story - 30/12/24
Week 16: Epiphany
Students return on Tuesday 7th. Assemblies: Tues: Y8 & Y12 Wed: Y9 & Y13 Thurs: Y10 Fri: Y11 Y9 Chapel Prayer Services: Thurs 9th: SCU &9OIY Fri 10th: 9FGR & 9BCP Mon 13th 9JKI & 9JSE Tues 14th 9JAD & 9MRORead Full Story