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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

National Apprenticeship Week 2023 - 5 reasons to kick-start your career with an apprenticeship​​​​​​​

Chances are you're starting to think about what you might like to do after you leave school or college. Did you know that an apprenticeship could be your ticket to a high-skilled job straight out of education? And what's more, you'll get paid a wage and gain qualifications without having to take on any student debt.

5 reasons you to kick-start your career with an apprenticeship

1. You’ll get paid a wage

Apprenticeships are now a gateway into jobs which require higher-level qualifications such as foundation degrees, bachelor’s degrees and even mater’s degrees. You could train as an engineer, a software developer, a solicitor, a nurse – there are even apprenticeships in academia!

Have a look at this guide to the qualifications you can gain from an apprenticeship.

2. You’ll train in a high skilled job

There is a minimum wage for apprentices, called the apprenticeship wage. This year, it is set at £4.81. It goes up in stages until you get to the age of 23, when it reaches £9.50, so long as you have completed the first year of your apprenticeship. The apprenticeship wage is increased every year. Remember this is the minimum - in practice, many apprentices earn much more

Read more on this site.

3.  You could get a university degree

If you complete a degree apprenticeship, you will gain a university degree. But unlike with the traditional university journey, you won’t graduate with thousands of pounds of tuition fee debt because your employer will pay the costs for you. This guide to degree apprenticeships has the low-down.

4. You'll learn on the job

As an apprentice, you will gain the knowledge and skills for your role on the job. You'll spend most of your time in the office, lab, factory or field, where you will be trained up by experienced colleagues. Depending on your apprenticeship level, you will also study

5. You could work in the industries of the future

Research suggests that technology skills, social and emotional skills and cognitive skills are set to grow the fastest over the next decade (see this give to the future of work). Apprenticeships offer you a way into the most employable industries, from tech and engineering to social care and the creative sector.

Still undecided? Check out the guides below for more answers to your questions. And you don't need to choose right away! You could apply for university courses AND apprenticeship programmes to keep your options open

Should I apply for an apprenticeship or go to university?

How to find an apprenticeship

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