Pupil Premium
At Notre Dame we are pleased to be able to use Pupil Premium funding to help all of our young people to thrive – as learners, as positive contributors to school and community life and in achieving happy, successful and fulfilled lives.
Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with students who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). This includes students who have been ‘Looked After’ (LAC) for more than six months and students who have parents in the Armed Forces.
What does it mean to be a student eligible for Pupil Premium funding at NDHS?
- To experience Quality First teaching
- For academic progress to be tracked
- Small Group Tuition to be arranged for progress dips
- Funding support to be given for key items e.g. Tech equipment
- Funding support for extra-curricular opportunities to be offered e.g. Music lessons / Duke of Edinburgh
- For revision books to be arranged for key subjects
- For IT support to be explored
For in-depth information on how Pupil Premium funding is allocated within school and how the school will be supporting Pupil Premium students for the academic year please see the document listed below.
For more information about how Pupil Premium funding is used to support students please contact Miss K Freezer (Assistant Head).
Covid-19 Catch Up Premium Expenditure
To see how we have spent our catch-up premium grant and 16-19 Tuition catch up grant click here.