How to... use the Placements tool-Year 10
Here's how it works.
The Placements tool aims to make life easy for everyone involved in work experience
In a nutshell
The placements tool aims to help manage the admin behind the placements process, making it easy:
- For students to get the ball rolling, then reflect on the placement afterwards;
- For the employer to follow and confirm that they follow best practices in:
- Safeguarding;
- Health and safety;
- Covid safety guidelines;
- Risk Assessment;
- Insurance;
- For the parent / guardian to stay informed of what’s happening;
- For the teacher to have an overview of the whole process, including knowing at any time the status of each student’s placement.
Essentially the tool is a series of forms which need to be completed by specific people at specific times. We’ve woven through it explanations of technical terms, plus best practice guidance. As soon as one person fills in a form, the next person gets notified, so the whole process runs smoothly and automatically.