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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School

Ask and Apprentice Webinar

This year, National Apprenticeship Week is taking place between the 5th to 11th of February 2024. Wednesday’s theme is Apprentice Wednesday, so join Success at School for a chat hosted by our founder Mitesh with three apprentices who have overcome different barriers to share their personal journeys to land an apprenticeship!

After attending an Open Day at Cambridge, Iman decided that university was not for her. Despite being rejected by 30+ apprenticeships, she didn’t give up and secured a job at Microsoft!

Do you think it's possible to get an investment banking apprenticeship with a BTEC, having grown up in a problematic area? Zion proves that you can!

Jordan did all the research on apprenticeships by herself. If you find yourself not knowing where to start, her story may help you understand how you can help your child to find the right apprenticeship for them!

On: 7th February 2024

At: 6.30 – 7.15pm

Register here.