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- 23/11/24
Week 12: Christ the King
Jesus led by the example of his own life. He also focused on the potential of others and developing a community. How can you develop your skills as a compassionate young leader in the coming week?Read Full Story - 17/11/24
Week 11: Live in Hope
Jesus’ teaching often focus on the value of hope. In winter, fig trees look completely dead. Then in spring they suddenly show signs that they are about to burst into life. Even in our coldest moments, we should look for signs of hope to help us get through it.Read Full Story - 09/11/24
Week 10: Lest We Forget
In this week's Gospel, Jesus Highlights the lives of people who make a major sacrifice of their own life to help those in need. This week we also commemorate Remembrance Day, to pray for those who gave up their life during conflict. We pray for those who are experiencing conflict anywhere...Read Full Story - 04/11/24
Week 9: Love your neighbour
One of Jesus' most famous teachings continues to challenge us today. Modern technology enables us to connect with anyone in the world, making us a global village. Who are our neighbours that we should care for today?Read Full Story - 21/10/24
Week 8: Here to Help
What are the qualities that you most respect in a leader? What style of leader are you now? What kind of leader would you like to be in the future?Read Full Story - 13/10/24
Week 7: Give to Charity
We all know that giving to charity is a good thing to do. However, we find it difficult to find the motivation to donate to a worthy cause. It is especially difficult when we do not meet the people who benefit from the donations we give. It is interesting to note that supporting worth...Read Full Story - 06/10/24
Week 6: Be Childlike
This week's Gospel shows how young people should be treated and respected.Read Full Story - 30/09/24
Week 5: See the good in others
Jesus wanted anyone who wanted to join his community feel welcome. How can you help our community to celebrate our diversity?Read Full Story - 20/09/24
Week 4: Putting others first
We all want to focus on having successful, happy lives. Jesus teaches that it is not only right to put the needs of others first. It is actually the key to living life to the full.Read Full Story - 15/09/24
Week 3: 'Take up your cross'
Jesus challenges us to follow his example. Sometimes our priorities and responsibilities are the cross that we have to carry to live life to the full.Read Full Story - 06/09/24
Week 2B: Hope
In this week's Gospel we hear about Jesus transforming someone's life by restoring their hearing and speech. The meaning of this reading is that our beliefs and values enable us to better understand our world by communicating with each other. Who in your life needs your support this we...Read Full Story