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Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame
High School


Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it.

Geography is a really useful subject as the skills and knowledge you gain can be used in almost every job sector. 


  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Aut.1 What is geography?
My places and geographical skills.
How do we make sense of our world? 
Latitude, longitude, seasons, biomes and time zones.
What are Contemporary Geographical Issues? – Climate change, Plastic Pollution
Aut.2 Where on earth is everyone?
Population change and urbanisation
What’s happening to global biomes? Tropical rainforests and deserts What are Contemporary Geographical Issues?  – Resource Depletion: Water, Food and Energy
Spr.1 How do rivers influence the landscape? What is development? 

How has ice influenced our planet? Case Study: Antarctica: The Frozen Continent.


What is weather and climate?
(including small scale enquiry)

How and why is Japan unique? 

1.A – The Challenge of Natural Hazards. Tectonics – Earthquakes, volcanoes and Tsunamis
Sum.1 What is weather and climate?
(including small scale enquiry)
Should we defend our coastlines? (Including North Norfolk Fieldtrip and enquiry)

Tectonic Hazards: Volcanoes

Sum.2 How does our use of resources affect the planet? Should we defend our coastlines? (Including North Norfolk Fieldtrip and enquiry)

Geopolitics: An investigation into global power, conflict and migration.

Where does this subject lead me? 

KS4 Geography

In KS4 Geography is a 'preference' subject.  There has never been a more important time to study Geography.  GCSE Geography explores the challenges faced by human beings and aims to identify solutions for all our futures.  

The skills taught in Geography are valuable for a wide range of other subjects.  For more info, visit our KS4 subject pages on

Career Pathways

The World needs geographers. Faced with climate change, resource depletion, more frequent and severe natural hazards and growing cities, Planet Earth needs people that can interpret and understand the relationships between the human and physical worlds.

There are lots of geography related jobs available to deal with the consequences of climate change such as in flood risk management and environmental management. 

There are practical roles working outside as a countryside ranger for the National Trust or planning sustainable transport networks for new towns. You could be using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to plan where there is demand for a supermarket or working on a project for a charity overseas.