'The glory of God is a human being fully alive' St Irenaeus
Why Learn PSHEE?
You are growing up in a rapidly changing world, full of opportunities.
Personal Social Health Economic Education (PSHEE) is a compulsory, non-examined subject.
PSHEE equips you with trustworthy and reliable values, knowledge and skills to enable you to flourish and 'live life to the full'. The subject is taught through three intertwining themes:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Living in the Wider World
- Forming Positive Relationships
How PSHEE supports our school's Mission
Our school’s mission commits our community to ‘a rounded education that develops knowledgeable, morally informed and compassionate your leaders’.
Our school’s curriculum sets out this mission by giving our students a sense of moral purpose grounded in Gospel Values alongside British Values enabling them to ‘live life to the full’ John 10:10.
St Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur had a clear vision for what her students should learn. For Julie, education should provide young people with ‘what they need to know for life’ and to develop ‘hearts as wide as the world’.
Our school’s mission commits our community to ‘a rounded education that develops knowledgeable, morally informed and compassionate your leaders’.
Our school’s curriculum sets out this mission by giving our students a sense of moral purpose with the example of Christ at the centre of their lives and British Values. We light fires of intellectual curiosity to inspire each student’s career pathway and vocation, enabling them to ‘live life to the full’ John 10:10.
To view the ethos sources of Notre Dame’s curriculum in more detail click here.
British Values
Our students are encouraged to express their individuality, whilst also respecting our British Values of acceptance and tolerance of others.
These values are promoted and explored across the PSHEE Curriculum. Lessons that explore specific British Values display this graphic to draw explicit reference.
Student Voice: Why is PSHEE relevant to your life?
Each year our students complete a survey which informs the content and delivery of PSHEE. When asked why PSHEE is an important subject to them they gave the following statements:
- PSHEE is one of the most important subjects as it teaches you how to be happy and lead a good life
- It includes topics that are actually relevant to our lives now and how to navigate life after leaving school
- Sometimes we have struggles and are uncomfortable to talk about them
- PSHEE provides a safe environment for people to talk about issues and learn from each other
- People should respect each other in life and online
- It is important to feel confident and secure in life
- You need to know how to take care of yourself and avoid situations that can hurt you
- We need to learn how to manage our mental and physical health
- Our bodies are a vital part of who we are. We should learn about accepting our bodies as they are and not have to change them.
- The internet and social media are very influential on our lives. They don’t give a realistic perspective on life
- It is important to learn about how to form positive relationships.
- I want to learn how to become a good partner and parent
For a full report on the latest Student Survey click here.
Hot Topics
Lessons that include the ‘hot topic’ logo indicate that it has been made in response to student feedback.
How do we learn PSHEE?
PSHEE is taught in Form Groups to encourage relationships and discussion in a safe and and non-judgemental space.
Our lessons provide opportunities to reflect on and develop your personal beliefs, values and opinions through individual written work.
We also show how to access additional student welfare support in school and from outside agencies.
Our lessons are delivered using a consistent structure.
What themes do we learn?
Our PSHE Curriculum is devised from the PSHE Association’s recommended categories which we have divided into sub topics.
Each topic is then split into a series of lessons that incorporate specific skills and knowledge from the PSHEE Association’s Programme of Study.
If at any time you and/or your parent(s)/carer(s) wish to discuss the contents of the PSHEE curriculum, or any issues raised in the lessons, please contact Mr Savage our Head of PSHEE.
What topics do we cover in each year?
Our PSHEE curriculum is delivered as a series of lessons that incorporate specific skills and knowledge from the PSHEE Association’s Program of Study. To view what topics are taught each term, click on the menus below. To view what topics are taught in Years 7-9 click on our KS3 PSHEE page.
Y10 Topics
The Road Ahead (Strategies to deal with stress) | Careers Ed: Spend or Save? (including employment rights) | Study Skills (preparing for Y10 Mocks) |
Sleep (why need it and how to sleep better) | First Aid (Recovery Position and CPR) | Healthy Relationships (consent, sex relationships, laws on forced & arranged marriage) |
My health (including how to access health services) | Careers Ed: Career Pathways (how to identify an effective work placement) | Love is Patient (including avoiding revenge porn) |
Careers Ed: Character Strengths (coping with challenging situations) | My life online (dating apps, screentime, online gambling) | Sexual Health (Contraception, Fertility & Teenage Pregnancy) |
Democracy (How our government supports its citizens) | Careers Ed: My CV (linking transferrable skills to career pathways) | Parenting Skills (responsibilities and positive methods in bring up a child) |
Careers Ed: Equality (Making a fairer society for all, including the Equality Act) | Gender Equality (linking to International Women's Day) | Careers Ed: Post-16 Pathways (Y10 predicted grades and getting ready for Post-16 Pathways) |
Illegal Drugs (how drugs affect our performance) |
Y11 Topics
Careers Ed: The Year Ahead (strategies for being resilient) | Risk Taking (Online Gambling and night life staying safe) | Careers Ed: Independent Living (living costs and household finance) |
Careers Ed: Post-16 Options (applying to Post-16 providers) | Careers Ed: My digital footprint (including the Dark Web and Cyber Crime) | Celebrating Diversity (linking with Un Day against Homophobia) |
Study Skills (preparing for Y11 Mocks) | Free Speech (including disinformation Fake News and Freedom of the Press) | Review of KS4 PSHEE (how well has the course supported your needs) |
Self Care (strategies for boosting your health) | Long term Relationships (including coping with break ups) | GCSE Exams |
No lesson during Mocks | Consent and Coercion (identifying sexual abuse and how to access support) | GCSE Exams |
Careers Ed: Preparing for a job interview | Check it out! (checking for testicular & breast examination, STIs, HIV) | GCSE Exams |
Careers Ed: First Aid in the Workplace (including how to respond to a stroke casualty and reviewing CPR and using an AED) |
Relationships and Sex Education
Relationships and Sex Education
As a Catholic community, PSHEE develops an understanding that you have been uniquely created in the image of God with your own special worth and value.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught as part of PSHEE. Our course uses carefully chosen age- appropriate resources in keeping with our school's Catholic ethos. We solely use reliable and trustworthy sources accredited by the Catholic Education Service, the national PSHE Association and Norfolk Local Authority.
For more detailed information about what is covered each year visit our webpage Parent/Carer Intro to RSE.
PSHEE is taught in line with the following school policies which can be accessed on the Policies page of our website:
- Acceptable Use and E-Safety Policy
- Behaviour
- Anti-Bullying
- Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance
- Drugs Education
- Equality and Diversity
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Safeguarding
- Special Needs